
Nasomatto was established in 2007 by Alessandro Gualtieri as a desperate outburst after being restricted by the regulations in his previous professional activities. While working for multinational companies and creating scents from detergents to high end perfumery brands, within all all the projects Alessandro, also known as the nose, had to follow specific instructions and trend forecasts dictating “What is ‘IN’ this season and what is not”. He felt that his creative freedom was limited and was upset with the system. During these years of work he earned the name ‘Cray Nose’ due to the fact his creations were always daring and he was approaching the field in his, very unusual way by either combining odd ingredients or writing uncommon formulas. To break with his past and to be able to express himself fully, Alessandro felt the urge to become independent and launch is own brand. the name ‘Nasomatto’ translates from the Italian as ‘crazy nose’.
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